Hiya, I'm Catlyne Fable.

pronounced Cat-Lin.

I am an illustrator & tattoo artist living and working in The Cowichan Valley of Vancouver Island, British Colombia, Canada. The unceded Coast Salish territory of the Hul’q’umi’num people.

 I have been tattooing just over 7 years and started in Victoria B.C. under the guidance of many coworkers, I now call friends. I am always looking to learn and I am actively pursuing the development of a recognizable style, while accommodating my amazing clients and their ideas.

I am passionate about the whimsical, magical, psychedelic, fairytale and occult. Often drawing inspiration from nature, the rugged beauty of the west coast in which I grew up, as well as the myth and lore from my family's heritage and background. 

Prior to tattooing, I was a freelance artist taking on many different types of commissioned projects. My ambition and flexibility allowed me to take on projects from portraits and murals, to up-cycled clothing design, jewelry as well as commercial and graphic design pursuits. Painting is a big passion of mine, I hope to make more space to explore this medium along side my full time tattoo career when I can.

I love the exploration of mediums and projects and I aim to dive deeper into the local art community. In both tattoo related work as well as my personal endeavours. 

I am currently working to take my trade abroad, explore the world and see what unique experiences that has to offer in both personal development as well as tattooing and tattoo education.

When I am not tattooing, you can find me painting, drawing, hiking, reading, exploring, playing the pan drum, kickboxing and well, always trying something new. I find it incredibly important to have a healthy work-life balance. I strive to enrich all areas of my life and live as mindfully as I can. I feel grateful, fortunate and privileged to be a full time artist and to share such a peaceful, ethical and mindful space with my friends, new and old. 

I have relocated as of February 17th and I am currently working and tattooing out of Black Water Electric, located in Chemainus B.C. 


Thank you so much for reading a little about me and I hope to meet and work with you soon!


Sincerely, Catlyne Fable.